From: Dolores Hirschmann <>
Subject: Ready to bring your message to a TEDx stage?


In my work as a TEDxOrganizer I get these questions all the time:

What do I need to do to speak on a TEDx Stage?

Is my IDEA READY for that kind of platform?

How do I clarify my "idea worth sharing"?

So, Hello!, tomorrow THURSDAY, MAY 11th at 12:30 PM EST I'm going to answer ALL your questions. Join me on this

Join me on this LIVE WEBINAR to explore what it would take for YOUR idea to be shared from a platform such as a TEDx stage.

REGISTER NOW for this FREE WEBINAR and learn:

  • How do YOU know if YOUR message is ready for TEDx;
  • The steps to apply to a TEDx stage;
  • A framework for creating your TED-like talk;
  • How to find the right events to apply to;
  • The secret to a powerful TED talk;
  • Get your questions answered by a TEDx Organizer!  